Monday July 4th, 2016 WOD “Freedom Fun Forty”


Monday July 4th, 2016 WOD “Freedom Fun Forty”

AMRAP 40 mins: Wall Ball Runs, Back Rack Barbell Lunges, Farmers Walk (Kettlebell)s, 3 and more

As a team of 2, complete as many rounds as possible in 40 mins of: 

Wall Ball Run, 20/14 lbs, 200 m (1 ball per group, but both run…switch as needed)

40 Back Rack Barbell Lunges, 95/65 lbs 

Farmers Walk (Kettlebell or Dumbbell), 200 m (one person must carry BOTH KB/DB, but switch as often as needed between partners)

40 Burpee To Plate

Partner barbell shoulder carry, 95/65 lbs, 200 m (figure it out however you’d like)

40 Tuck Jumps

No minimum work requirement.  Get ‘er done!  Happy Independence Day!!!!! 

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