Saturday June 18th, 2016 Partner WOD
9 & 10am Partner WOD
With a Partner and splitting reps evenly do:
FT: Plate Bicep Curls, Downhill Skis, Kettlebell Front Raises and 8 more
For time:
14-13-12-11 of:
Plate Bicep Curls, 45/25 lbs
Downhill Skis, 45/25 lbs
Front Raises, 45/25 lbs
Standing Wood Choppers, 45/25 lbs
Alternating Stationary Lunges With Plate Overhead, 45/25 lbs
Plate Around The Worlds, 45/25 lbs
Bent Over Rows, 45/25 lbs
Plate Twists, 45/25 lbs
High Knees w/plate overhead, 45/25 lbs
Push Press (Bumper Plate), 45/25 lbs
1 Run, 400 m (both run)