Alex ( Don WOD on YouTube )

CrossFit South Wake Owner

Alex ( Don WOD on YouTube )

CrossFit South Wake Owner


Meet the owner Alex Jimenez  ( Don WOD on YouTube )
Why did you join CrossFit? After I ruptured my bicep I wanted to keep working out and pushing myself. Body Building was all about doing certain exercises to look a certain way. I wanted to focus on what my body CAN DO!! Not just looking good for the sake of looking good.
How long have you been training ? I have been working out for 27 years.
What do you love about CrossFit? I love the “Feeling” of CF. The music is so loud, it drowns out your heavy breathing. The community cheering you on, drowns out the doubt in your mind. The WODs make you exhausted in a very different way. CrossFit has a “feeling” all its own.
Do you have a favorite movement? No, not a favorite movement but I think I may like “Chippers” the most. I’m very task orientated and the idea of scratching things off a to do list is very satisfying.
What is your athletic background? My first love was boxing, which is how I got into working out. This switched to competitive bodybuilding. I competed as a drug tested bodybuilder for about 8 yrs. I worked as a personal trainer and boot-camp instructor for about 15 yrs.
What are some interesting things about you people may not know? I’m the youngest of seven children, so I am always trying to stand apart.
Anything else you feel like sharing? The pursuit of fitness and health is a life long pursuit. It doesn’t matter what you have done or your current physical state. We can all change our current behavior and start on the road to a healthy life. Control is always a moment away, stop anything that isn’t helping you and start something that will.